Saturday, November 17, 2012

Archbishop Di Noia's the Church is always right is becoming controversial: How can the Holy Spirit say that we can see the deceased saved?

The Vatican Curia wants the SSPX to accept a Freemason version of Vatican Council II approved by Cardinal Cushing and the Jesuits in Boston.

LG 16,LG 8 does not say that we can see the deceased saved in invincible ignorance etc but the Archbishop of Ecclesia Dei has to assume it does.Otherwise how can Archbishop Di Noia say there are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Since the Vatican Curia, like the Society of St.Pius X ( SSPX) priests and the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney, assume that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance refer to explicit cases they do not correct Wikipedia which says Vatican Council II (LG 16 invincible ignorance/good conscience) contradicts extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The same error is being made by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's cardinal and archbishops.

They are about to excommunicate the SSPX for not accepting a Vatican Council II which says the deceased saved are visible on earth and are exceptions to Tradition; the dogma on salvation and the Syllabus of Errors.No one is protesting.Possibly after the excommunication they will figure it out and call for a revocation.
The Holy Spirit cannot teach error. The Holy Spirit cannot teach irrationality.This is an objective error of the CDF.
How can zero cases of something be exceptions asks the apologist John Martigioni? We cannot see the dead. They are zero cases with respect to the dogma on salvation.
-Lionel Andrades

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