Friday, November 16, 2012

Catholic traditionalists do not challenge the errors on Wikipedia since they assume Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Many Traditionalists would contend that Church statements since the Second Vatican Council are a radical departure from what was originally taught by the Catholic Church.-Wikipedia, extra ecclsiam nulla salus
Why would Traditionalists assume this?
Since like Wikipedia they believe, without really thinking it through,that we can see the dead who are saved in inculpable ignorance and so being saved in inculpable ignorance is an explicit, known exception to the dogma exra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Vatican Council II then contradicts Tradition and the dogma.

So no one corrects the error on Wikipedia.-Lionel Andrades

Many of the recent Vatican II Council's statements imply that those who do not know the gospel and adhere to other religions can be saved without holding the Catholic faith or religion. The Athanasian Creed, one of the oldest creeds of the Church confirmed by both the Council of Florence and Pope Gregory XVI,taught unequivocally that only those who held the Catholic Faith whole and inviolate could be saved from eternal damnation. The Athanasian Creed states "whosoever will be saved, above all it is necessary to hold the Catholic faith. Unless each one holds this faith whole and inviolate, without a doubt he will perish in eternity." Athanasian Creed The statements of the Church since Vatican II, traditionalists argue, countermand the original Athanasian Creed by stating that Protestants, pagans, Muslims, Jews and others who do not hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate can still participate in salvation, and have the grace of faith. Most Holy Family Monastery in Fillmore, New York, and the Saint Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire argue strenuously for this position-Wikipedia, extra ecclesiam nulla salus.(emphasis added)

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