Monday, November 12, 2012

Religious liberty

There is an article on religious liberty written by Padre ANgelo Fiorentino in Il Settimanale di Padre Pio ( Liberta Religiosa equivoca da risolvere Nov.4,2012 p. 19-20). In his catechesis he says that the concept of religious liberty today is frightening, when it is used to challenge the concept of God, Faith and the Catholic Church.We need to find the true significance of this expression he writes, so that we can respect the other religions,without sacrificing the unicity of the Truth in the Catholic Church; the one, true Faith.

Padre Angelo Fiorentino of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate,Italy had written an article in an earlier edition of this magazine in which he did not affirm the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.He assumed that there were known exceptions in the present times to that ancient teaching that comes to us from Jesus,through the Bible.So with this limitation he appoaches the issue of religious liberty.

We respect the dignity of all people and we love them all as Jesus asks of us.We acknowledge their legal freedom in a state with a seclular Constituion, to live their faith freely.However we have the moral right as Catholics, to affirm the Catholic Faith outside of which there is no salvation.(AG 7,LG 14, Vatican Council II).We know that the different religions and sects are not paths to go to Heaven and to avoid Hell(AG7).

So according to  Catholic Faith, Truth demands that we say that we oppose religious liberty for non Catholics, in the sense, that they are false paths to salvation.Since these religions though possibly containing good and holy things (Nostra Aetate, Vatican Council II) will not take their members to eternal happiness.If they do not convert into the Catholic Church they will experience eternal pain and suffering in Hell.Truth obliges us Catholics to say this.

So while religious liberty in a secular state is legal, morally a Catholic cannot approve a mosque , synagogue or temple. Since these are signs of eternal death according to the Catholic Faith, which says Jesus died for all but to receive this salvation all need to respond by entering the Catholic Church (Dominus Iesus 20). The Church is necessary for salvation and is the ordinary means of salvation. (Redemptoris Missio 55).

We do not force anyone not to follow his conscience or freely not to express his religion(CCC 2106). However we have the right to proclaim our faith with religious liberty.

Even though their religions may put them in contact with God (Dignitatis Humanae 2) we respect there religions according to the legal norms (CCC 2109) and we know they are false paths to salvation.
Padre Angelo says all are called to find the truth, specially in things regarding God and His Chruch, and whenever they know it, accept it and hold on to it.
While we discover and affirm the love and truth and good in every person we need to affirm he writes, that the unique and true  religion  exists in the apostolic  Catholic Church-Lionel Andrades

Photo of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

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