Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Traditionalists could simply affirm Vatican Council II and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 according to the literal interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Traditionalists must inform Ecclesia Dei and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that they accept the Letter of the Holy Office and Vatican Council II in agreement with the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Error. They interpret them with the hermeneutic of continuity and not a break from the past

Dignitatis Humanae can be interpreted according to Tradition.Nostra Aetate and Unitatis Redintigratio also has a traditional interpretation.Catholics traditionalists are unfortunately still using an interpretation of the Letter and the Council based on implicit statements.

It is implied that both these Magisterial documents state there is known salvation outside the Church.They do not.

When the text of the Letter and Vatican Council II does not state that we know these cases why presume that we know them?Just because the media, secular and Catholic, make this error, Traditionalists do not need to follow.

Interpret all magisterial texts based on tradition and not what is assumed in error.

The apologist John Martigioni says, 'Zero cases of something are not exceptions'.There are zero cases of non Catholics saved who are visible to us  in 2012. So they cannot be exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors.

When these two documents do not claim that there are exceptions why should we presume that there are exceptions? Possibilities are not exceptions.

We can accept in principle the possibility of non Catholics being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire,seeds of the word, good conscience etc.The Letter of the Holy Office  and Vatican Council do not state that these cases are known, defacto, on earth. If it is implied that we can see these cases on earth it would be irrational.So we should not believe that the magisterium made this mistake.

When Denzinger quotes the Letter of the Holy Office ,no where is it said that there are exceptions to the salvation dogma.Denzinger does not make this error.

What is implied by many is not a fact.It is not Catholic doctrine and the SSPX and traditionalists should not be expected to accept it. A possibility is not a reality.A possibility is not a known exception.It is not an exception it is a 'zero case'.

Dignitatis Humanae(DH) refers to the liberty a non Catholic has to live his faith in a society with a secular Constitution.The text of DH recognizes that non Catholic religions are in error and Catholics have the right to proclaim their Faith with religious liberty.Morally we can still proclaim the Faith in a secular society - even if it becomes illegal to do so.

Similarly Nostra Aetate,Vatican Council II  does not state that non Catholic religions are equal paths to salvation or that the members of these religions are saved in general.The possibility of salvation among non Catholics is not a known reality in 2012. So it does not contradict the dogma which says all need to convert into the Church for salvation .(See also Ad Gentes 7,Dominus Iesus 20,CCC845 etc).

Similarly when Unitatis Redintigratio mentions those in imperfect communion with the Church we cannot presume to know these cases in the present times,for them to be exceptions to Tradition.

Traditionalists can affirm the Letter of the Holy Office in accord with Tradition. The Letter could be saying that Fr.Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for disobedience or for heresy. Choose one. If he was excommunicated for heresy and doctrine then the Letter made an objective mistake. It is a fact that the dead are not visible. We cannot see someone saved with implicit desire etc.

There cannot be a new Catholic teaching based on what is assumed and not mentioned in magisterial documents.

The traditionalist understanding of the Letter of the Holy Office and Vatican Council II is based on non-facts, irrationality and assuming.Vatican Council II is really traditional.

So Traditionalists must inform Ecclesia Dei and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that they accept the Letter of the Holy Office and Vatican Council II in agreement with the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Error. They interpret them with the hermeneutic of continuity and not a break from the past.-Lionel Andrades

Photos from the websites of the Francscan Friars of the Immaculate, CMRI and Institute of Christ the King.

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