Friday, November 2, 2012

Vatican Council II is traditional so the SSPX does not have to go into schism

The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX)has more time to think. They can still announce that the Council without the visible dead theory is traditional.It is in agreement with their values on other religions.They may see Vatican Council II as not an issue any more.

There are Catholics reporting, here and there, that Vatican Council II is not a break from tradition. If Catholics, a few of them, think the Council is not an explicit exception to the Syllabus of Errors and extra ecclesiam nulla salus then there could be something here for the SSPX to think about.

Consider this: the Council's 'implicit intention' and 'invincible ignorance' refer to possibilities known only to God and not cases known in 2012 . The Council does not say they are known to us (so who does?!!). The Council does not say that these cases are exceptions to the dogma on salvation ( the secular media says so!) . The Council does not say that these cases are exceptions to the Syllabus of Errors.One has to personally assume these errors.

The SSPX Chapter Statement (July 19, 2012) told us that no one could go to Heaven in 2012 if he is not a member of the Catholic Church. There are no known exceptions.This is a treasure-statement. It's a big move towards full unity in the Church with the correct doctrines.

If there are no known exceptions in Vatican Council II then the Council is not a break with Tradition. The Chapter Statement indicates that the dead saved in invincible ignorance and a good conscience (LG 16) are not visible in the Year of the Faith. They are not exceptions to anything.

So it is time to challenge the Vatican publicly to cite examples from the council which show it is a break with Tradition.Otherwise the next SSPX Communique should say that the Council is in agreement with their values on other religions.

Archbishop Augustine Di Noia's 'elements of sanctification' (LG 8) and grace (National Catholic Register interview 07/01/2012  ) which he suggests are exceptions to Tradition are known only to God. He cannot name any case today who is an exception to the dogma.

Archbishop Gerhard Muller's invincible ignorance cases (LG 16) are known only to God.(National Catholic Register interview 10/02/2012 ).So invincible ignorance does not contradict the dogma which Pope Pius XII called an 'infallible statement'.

The dead saved in invincible ignorance or elements of sanctification are not visible to us on earth.

This is the visible dead error or theory.The Council does not mention it but people take it for granted.

So the next SSPX Communique could affirm Vatican Council II without the visible dead error. Affirm it in accord with the 'uninterrupted magisterium of the Church'.Let the Communique endorse a Vatican Council II in accord with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Error.

Since there is no known salvation outside the visible Church; no visible cases of the dead saved,the International Theological Commission's 'theology of religions' and 'ecclesiology of communion' has no rational base .The SSPX could continue to reject it.They could continue to reject a Vatican Council II based on an irrational premise of being able to see the dead.

Over time Bishop Richard Williamson and the SSPX-SO will know that the Council was always traditional without the visible dead mistake. The visible deceased mistake is also being made by Bishop Williamson and the SSPX-SO.

It's a win-win situation. The Council is being affirmed by the SSPX without an irrationality, and so are the SSPX traditional values on other religions .

Vatican Council II is traditional so the SSPX does not have to go into schism and excommunication. Give the dissenters and liberals time in future to think. There will be a new problem, when it is known that AG 7 affirms the dogma and Traditiom and LG 16 does not contradict them.
Lionel Andrades

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