Wednesday, December 12, 2012


May be Medugorje could be approved by the Commission for 'the wrong reasons'.It's a sad time that we live in when the magisterium is in error and may be Our Lady has adapted to it and has continued her wonderful pastoral work at Medugorje.

In mission countries, Asia and Africa, the people are illiterate and do not know doctrines of the faith but they know the pastor, and they know his pastoral work and when they live according to the Catholic pastors basic teachings they can be saved.

Since the Medugorje apparitions are still continuing the seers can clarify the controversy over Vicka's statement on most people going to Heaven instead of Hell.

I spoke to Fr.Slavko Barbaric OFM , the Spiritual Director of the seers in the early 1980's, he told me Our Lady did not say that all religions are equal. He also said that Our Lady never said that the holiest person in Medugorje was a Muslim, he did not know how that story came about.

Assuming Our Lady did say all religions are equal paths to salvation and non Catholics do not have to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation, this is exactly what the present day magisteium is teaching -in public.

When the Vatican was asked to change its teaching on the Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews, the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone wrote a letter to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, which is still available on the Internet.Cardinal Bertone cited the article by Walter Kaspar on the front page of the L'Osservatore Romano.It said, in the name of Vatican Council II, that Jews do not have to convert in the present times.This letter was approved by Pope Benedict XVI and the Chief Rabbinate.

The President of the Italian Bishops Conference, Cardinal Bagnasco, in an official letter of the Bishop's Conference, said before two liberal rabbis that Jews do not have to convert for salvation.

So Our Lady is only repeating what is acceptable to those who can end her pastoral work at Medugorje.

She could express the traditional teaching that most people go to Hell.As Jesus said 'Enter through the narrow gate for the road to Hell is wide and most people take it'.There would be threats again.The pope would have to end pilgrimages to Medugorje.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,Vatican over a doctrinal issue ended the legitimacy of the Orthodox Christian seer Vassula Ryden, well known at Medugorje in the early 1990's.Yet doctrinally, in public; through the media and official statements , the CDF is teaching doctrinal error for political reasons.

G.K Chesterton says that when dogma and doctrine are thrown overboard in the name of expedience, it is the work of the devil.When cardinals and bishops do not assert themself on this issue, I have to quote a layman like Chesterton.

Only God can know the exact number of people killed in the terrible Holocaust. Yet Bishop Richard Williamson cannot be accepted as a bishop by the Vatican nor be a member of the SSPX.

So Our Lady must definitely be aware of all these 'practical necesities'.-Lionel Andrades

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