Friday, December 21, 2012


Mary O Regan of the Catholic Herald U.K did not ask Archbishop Gerhard Muller the right questions and so did not spoil his day.
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The Irish journalist  did not ask the CDF Prefect to cite personally known cases in 2012 ,or during his lifetime, who  contradict the traditional understanding of the Church on other religions?

Where does the Church say that implicit salvation is explicit for us?

Where is the text in Vatican Council II which says Jews do not have to convert in the present times or that they are saved in general in their religion ?

Why do the Anglican Ordinariate members have to believe that they can see people on earth saved with the baptism of desire?Why do vocations to the religious life in the Anglican Ordinariate have to accept this irrationality?
The interview could have been carried in this way.
Mary O Regan: Your Eminence  some of the supporters of the SSPX are saying that Vatican Council II is a traditional document with traditional values on other other religions. Would you agree?

Cardinal Muller's possible reply: Vatican Council II is not a break from the past . To assume that it is a break from the past is heretical.

Mary O Regan: They say that we do not know the dead saved in invincible ignorance or with implicit desire. Since we do not now these cases they are not exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.They are irrelevant to the dogma.

So those saved in invincible ignorance, a good conscience (LG 16), elements of sanctifciation(LG 8) etc are not explicit and so do not contradict the dogma on salvation.So Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma.

Would you agree that we do not personally know these cases?

Cardinal Muller: Yes. We do not know these cases.

Mary O Regan: So could the CDF make an annoouncement that we do not know these cases of the dead who are saved and are now in Heaven.  Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma on salvation.

Cardinal Muller: Yes it is an objective fact. It cannot be denied. We do cannot see the dead.

Mary O Regan:So once the announcement is mande every one will realize that we can all, SSPX and non SSPX, hold the traditional, rational interpretation of Vatican Council II?

Cardinal Muller: Yes this is important for the SSPX reconciliation. Honesty demands.

This would be one approach. The second approach would be to just ask Cardinal Muller the following seven questions which are on the same subject but more technical.

1. Where does Vatican Council II state that we know non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance etc? How can these cases be visible to us ?
2. When Vatican Council II does not say that we know anyone saved in the present times in invincible ignorance and  with a good conscience, how can Lumen Gentium 16 be an exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors?
3.When in Vatican Council II being saved in invincible ignorance and a good conscience is acknowledged in principle (only and not defacto known in the present times) and there are no known exceptions then Vatican Council II is a traditional Council with pro-SSPX values?
4.Since Lumen Gentium 16 refers to potential, implicit cases saved and not explicitly known non Catholics in the present times, it does not contradict Ad Gentes 7 which states all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation?
5.Ad Gentes 7 indicates all non Catholics are oriented to Hell unless they convert with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water? All Christian communities need Catholic Faith for salvation. Orthdox Christians and Protestants need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.(AG 7)?
6.Ad Gentes and Nostra Aetate 4 ( it says Catholics are the new people of God) indicate non Catholics have a mortal duty to enter the Church?.

7.The SSPX should be free to accept Vatican Council II in accord with the Syllabus of Errors, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.Is this also the interpretation of Cardinal Muller?-Lionel Andrades

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