Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Vatican Council II is heretical only, if you use the false premise of the dead who are saved being visible .Any Church document would emerge heretical if you assumed implicit salvation references were explicit in 2012.
Traditionalists on Youtube say Vatican Council II is a break with the Syllabus of Errors there is no mention of the dogma on salvation.It's curious how traditionalists on Youtube, mainly SSPX and SSPX-SO, do not mention extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It is because they assume there are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.For the SSPX (Pfieffer,Scott,Laisney) invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are exceptions.They are known cases.

If these cases are visible then it means that LG 8,LG 16,AG 11 etc also refer to visible cases and its here that they protest against Vatican Council II with video clips.These cased are a rejection of the Syllabus of Errors for them.

For them its a rejection of the Syllabus but not extra ecclesiam nulla salus! Since for the SSPX priests invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are  exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.They never corrected this error over the years in spite of protests from other traditionalists, especially the supporters of Fr.Leonard Feeney.

Now on Youtube the traditionalist video clips criticize Vatican Council II as heretical.When I post reports on their Youtube channel they immediately knock them off.

They  cannot understand  how Vatican Council II can be traditional.They have  had a different formation.

It has been a long time now. They do not answer  questions but just delete posts.

I would agree with them that Vatican Council II is heretical only, if you use the false premise of the dead who are saved being visible .Any Church document would emerge heretical if you assumed implicit salvation references were explicit in 2012.

So for the traditionalists and progressives on Youtube making the same error, the Council emerges modernist.Some are glad with the result  others oppose it.

The traditionalists were not united on extra ecclesiam nulla salus over the years, because of this error, and the fall out is there now in Vatican Council.

Even the traditionalist communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney, though correct on the dogma not having any exceptions, assumed Vatican Council II was a break with the past.

Last week Archbishop Gerhard Muller Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said that if we interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition it is heretical.
It is heretical since it indicates one assumes that the dead are visible to us and so these cases are an exception to a defined dogma and tradition in general.It would also mean Vatican Council II contradicts itself, LG 16 opposes AG 7.
-Lionel Andrades

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