Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Baptism of Desire," to the extent that it is operative in the World, is an unknown. We cannot observe it, just as we cannot observe "perfect contrition" either- Jehanne. Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus Forum

That "Baptism of Desire," to the extent that it is operative in the World, is an unknown. We cannot observe it, just as we cannot observe "perfect contrition" either. That the One and Triune God would even allow someone with the proper dispositions to end this life without sacramental Baptism is also an unknown, and if He does allow that occur, how often such occurs is anyone's guess.

One the other hand, we can observe the Sacraments in action, and in the case of infant Baptism, it's a 100% guarantee! For adults, we can have a "certain hope," even beyond a "good hope" that if the Sacrament was administered correctly with the proper dispositions, then the individual in question received the divine graces through the merits of Jesus Christ..
One the other hand, we can observe the Sacraments in action, and in the case of infant Baptism, it's a 100% guarantee! For adults, we can have a "certain hope," even beyond a "good hope" that if the Sacrament was administered correctly with the proper dispositions, then the individual in question received the divine graces through the merits of Jesus Christ..
  from the Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus Forum

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