Thursday, January 10, 2013

Canoncially do the Franciscan Conventuals have to accept Vatican Council II with the false premise? Are their ordinations valid?

The Franciscan Conventual Curia in Rome accepts Vatican Council II along with the irrational premise of the dead being visible.So they assume that Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and that the Council contradicts itself. Lumen Gentiium 16 contradicts Ad Gentes 7.They have been granted canonical status by the Catholic Church inspite of the added-on premise.
The Society of St.Pius x (SSPX) has to accept Vatican Council II with the premise of the dead man walking to receive canonical status.It is not clear if they will still be granted canonical status without the premise of being able to see the dead saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.They presently have no canonical status according to the Vatican.

The Franciscan Curia will not answer if implicit salvation is visible to them and if these cases are explicit exceptions to the dogma.Their ordinations are valid, unlike the SSPX, as candidates for the OFM Conventual priesthood allege they can see the dead. This is a general observation among them.

This is an 'irregular' canonical requirement.

Why cannot the Franciscan Conventual priests like St.Maximillian Kolbe deny that the dead saved are explicit exceptions to the dogma ? St.Maximilian Kolbe had canonical status without having to affirm this irrationality.Cannot the same privilege be given also to the SSPX ?.-Lionel Andrades

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