Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I have never denied Baptism of Desire and/or Blood, as they were taught by Saint Thomas. I have said that they represent "null sets." How is that "denying" them?- Jehanne

I have never denied Baptism of Desire and/or Blood, as they were taught by Saint Thomas. I have said that they represent "null sets." How is that "denying" them?

The Catechism of the Council of Trent, 1566: wrote:

“No one can doubt that the Sacraments are among the means of attaining righteousness and salvation … A Sacrament, he [St. Augustine] says, is a sign of a sacred thing; or, as it has been expressed in other words of the same import: A Sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible grace, instituted for our justification.”

"On adults, however, the Church has not been accustomed to confer the Sacrament of Baptism at once, but has ordained that it be deferred for a certain time. The delay is not attended with the same danger as in the case of infants, which we have already mentioned; should any unforeseen accident make it impossible for adults to be washed in the salutary waters, their intention and determination to receive Baptism and their repentance for past sins, will avail them to grace and righteousness."
A set with zero members. Sure, it is possible, but I am asserting such will never happen. Are you claiming that all catechumens who die without Baptism go to Heaven?

Are you saying that there are people who are actually saved via Baptism of Desire and/or Blood without Water Baptism? Who are these people? How many? One? Two? Thousands? Millions? Billions? Are you saying that it is impossible for the One and Triune God to bring the Sacrament of Baptism via Water to these people? Are you saying that God has no choice but to save them via their desire alone???

I have no idea and I don't really care. God can regenerate and save a soul by whatever means He so desires, but never apart from or outside His Mystical Body, and never without the intrinsic necessities of faith, charity, intention and sanctifying grace.
It is just our opinion that the One and Triune God will, in every instance, save those whom He will save via Sacramental Baptism, that is, Baptism by Water.

from the Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus Forum

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