Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Last Saturday I was at the Dominican Church of St.Catherine of Siena,  in central Rome where her body lies for veneration.Whenever I speak to the priest at the bookstore within the Church, he says salvation is open to all.When I point to the books he is selling and mention that St.Catherine of Siena held the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus he says this is true but it has all been changed by Vatican Council II.This was also our conversation last year when he told me he was interested in Mysticism and did not think there was a Hell or at least most people were not going there.
Santa Maria sopra Minerva

When I ask him to cite text in Vatican Council II which contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus he could not.Neither can other priests. I tell him that invincible ignorance and a good conscience (LG 16) cases are not visible to us.Since they are not physically visible to us they cannot be exceptions.He does not want to accept this.

Usually if a lay Catholic approached one of the Dominican priests they would say that the Church has changed its teachings after Vatican Council II and now a non Catholic can be saved in invincible ignorance etc (as if this was not known before).Historically invincible ignorance and implicit desire were known.They were not considered to be exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The lay Catholic would just accept what the Dominican here is saying. They tried this with me but it did not work. I cited contrary texts from Vatican Council II for which they were not prepared.It was new for them.
Santa Maria sopra Minerva
The fundamental difference between progressivists and traditionalists, liberals and conservatives is extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The liberals 'develop the doctine', they  create a new interpretation of the dogma by saying that those who are saved in Heaven are visible to us on earth.This is ridiculous but it is taken for granted among Catholics, without their really thinking about it.

Then later come half truths like the following.

1.Salvation is open to all (without mentioning also that all need to convert into the church).
2. Salvation is there in only Jesus Christ (without mentioning that for all to receive this salvation they need to enter the Church. The Church is necessary).
3.The Church is the Sacrament of salvation (without mentioning the necessity of all to enter the Church. Dominus 20 etc).
-Lionel Andrades
Photos from the Church Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome

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