Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Even the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney, the St.Benedict Centers, are saying that the Magisterium has made a mistake ?

When it is said that the Letter of the Holy Office 1947 corrected Fr.Leonard Feeney for not accepting the baptism of desire as an exception, it means the Letter made a mistake.It was implying that the baptism of desire was a known exception , these cases were physically visible to us to be an exception to the dogma .The dogma tells us that every one needs to be a visible member of the Church for salvation.

The Letter would be saying  according to the St.Benedict Centers that some people do not have to convert in the present times.

So for the St.Benedict Centers is the baptism of desire physically visible to us or not? I have asked at the St.Benedict Centers,USA  and I get no reply.

If it is not physically visible to us then there is no problem.The Letter refers to a person being saved with implicit desire or invincible ignorance.We accept this as a possibility.It is not mistaken to be an exception.

If for the SBC the baptism of desire is physically visible to us then it means the baptism of desire contradicts the dogma.Then the Letter has made a mistake.For many it would mean the Magisterium has made a mistake.The Magisterium is contradicting an infallible teaching with known cases of salvation.The Magisterium is also saying that the dead are visible to us on earth.
-Lionel Andrades

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