Thursday, February 21, 2013


Father.John George accepts Vatican Council II as an historical event - so does the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX).However he rejects the teachings of Vatican Council II on other religions and still has canonical status. The Council says all need 'faith and baptism'(AG 7) for salvation.

Every one needs to convert into the Church for salvation, every one needs to be a visible member of the Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.Ad Gentes 7 is placed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the sub heading Outside the Church No Salvation.(CCC 846).

Father John George denies Ad Gentes 7 when he says every one does not have to convert into the Church, since there are known exceptions. He has said on the Internet Discussion Board True Catholic that literally he knows people who are exceptions.There are physically visible cases of persons who are now saved in Heaven in 2013, who are exceptions to all needing to Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation.This is a negation of the text of the Council (AG 7) and also the traditional teaching on other religions and ecumenism. Yet he is allowed to offer Mass and dispense the Sacraments, while the SSPX does not have this privilege in churches under the Archdiocese of Sydney.

Is this a case for a Canon lawyer and a lead story for Brian Coyne's dissenting Cattholica in Australia ?

Fr.John George may say that the accepts Vatican Council II but he is also saying that he can literally see those saved and now in Heaven and so there are exceptions to the teaching of Vatican Council II(AG 7).

He also says the Church is 'the ordinary means' of salvation and the baptism of water is 'the ordinary means' of salvation (Redemptoris Missio 55).At the same time he suggests that there are known exceptions on earth to 'the ordinary means of salvation'.

He claims repeatedly that seeing with 'the eyes of faith' is the same as seeing literally and so we can literally see the Blessed Virgin Mary in Heaven.We can also allegedly literally see neophytes at an RCIA course ( who die without the baptism of water).So these cases are known exceptions to the ordinary means of salvation which is Catholic faith and the baptism of water (AG 7).

Then for him the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston contradicted Vatican Council II. The Letter, for Fr. George is critical of Fr.Leonard Feeney who held the traditional teaching on every one needing to be a visible member of the Catholic Church and that the baptism of desire etc are not exceptions to the dogma.
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Fr.George says the Letter is saying that there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Yet the text of the Letter, it can be seen, does not state that being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire, is physically visible to us.Neither does it state that they are exceptions to the dogma on salvation, which has the same message as Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.

It is Father John George's interpretation of Vatican Council II which the SSPX priests in Italy reject. Since it is irrational, non traditional and with the hermeneutic of rupture.

On the forum True Catholic, except for Fr.John George, no one claims they can physically see the dead saved in Heaven in 2013.-Lionel Andrades

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