Thursday, February 7, 2013

I don't think, believe, and/or profess that there are "exceptions", period! -Jehanne

I don't think, believe, and/or profess that there are "exceptions", period! Visible or not, de facto or de jure, vincibly or invincibly ignorant, explicit or implicit, in voto or ex voto, baptism in re or in voto, every human being, without exception, must end his/her life in the "bosom and unity of the Catholic Church." This proclaimation from the Council of Florence, an ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church, is ex cathedra, without error, infallible, and irreformable for all time and eternity.

Who is (and is not) in the "bosom and unity of the Catholic Church" at the end of his/her life is for the Righteous Judge to decide, not me. I make no promises to Jews, pagans, infidels, heretics, or schismatics, material or otherwise, as I cannot promise that which I cannot possibly give or deliver. To the individual alone, the Sacraments of the Catholic Church provide assurance, if those sacraments are received with the proper dispositions, matter, form, and minister, and for infants, sacramental Baptism alone. Everyone else, without exception, is "on their own." As Mike would say, "Good Luck with that.".-Jehanne

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