Sunday, February 3, 2013


The SSPX have a  small chapel and on feast days it is not able to accomodate the many Catholics who come for Holy  Mass, the same Sacrifice of Jesus as in the other Catholic churches of Rome.The Orthodox Christians are allowed to have their religious services in many Catholic Churches in Rome. Why not the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX)?

The Orthodox Christians do not recognize the pope. The SSPX does. The Orthodox Christians do not accept Vatican Council II as a break or even as a continuation with tradition. The SSPX in future could accept Vatican Council II as a continuation with Tradition, without the dead man walking theory.

The Catholic Church of St.Clement, near the Colloseum, is shared by the Bulgarian Orthodox Christians.Fr John M. Cunningham O.P is the Prior.

Then there is the Catholic Church  behind the Basilica of St.John Lateran which is used every Sunday morning by an Orthodox Community for their religious services.They have a side entrance and large areas are available for them.

I have not received the Eucharist at Mass offered by the SSPX priests. I reject the SSPX's Vatican Council II.
The SSPX accepts Vatican Council II as an historical event but interprets it according to the progressives with the visible-dead theory.I accept Vatican Council II without the dead man walking theory and so the Council for me is not modernist.

I also reject the Vatican Council II of the Paulist Fathers at the Church of Santa Suzanna Rome, the Pallotine Fathers at the Church San Silvestro, Rome and the Franciscan Conventuals.It is the same Vatican Council II as the SSPX.

These communities hold a heretical version of Vatican Council II and are allowed to offer Holy Mass in the Churches of Rome. This is the Vatican Council II of the Priestly Fraternity of St.Peter (FSSP) who offer the Tridentine Rite Mass.

So when the SSPX and all these communities have the same understanding of Vatican Council II, the SSPX too should be allowed to use the facilities of churches in Romes to offer Mass on feast days.

The real issue is extra ecclesiam nulla salus. These communities along with the SSPX assume that the baptism of desire etc are explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. No Church document claims that these cases are explicit or that they contradict the dogma. One has to assume it and assume it wrongly.

This is assuming that the deceased saved in invincible ignorance walk the streets of the city and they are living exceptions to the dogma.

If Ecclesia Dei and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith would clarify this issue it would be easier for the SSPX to see that Vatican Council II does not contradict the Church's traditional teaching on other religions.

If the SSPX is not in full communion with Rome neither are the Pentecostals and other Christians communities with whom there are joint prayer services.

When the last Synod of the Eucharist was held the Lutherans were invited but not the SSPX. The SSPX has more in common with the Church, on the Eucharist, than the Lutherans!

The 'enemies of the church' like the ADL call the SSPX a'sect'.The ecumenical spirit of the modernist then should not exclude the SSPX and they could be allowed to use the churches in Rome for Holy Mass.Lionel Andrades

Photo of the Basilica of St.Clemente al Laterano

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