Wednesday, March 27, 2013

All the Jews in Sydney and Boston are oriented to Hell according to Vatican Council II

Vatican Council II says non Catholics need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

Vatican Council II is in agreement with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 in which Pope Pius XII referred to 'the dogma' the 'infallible teaching'.

So for Catholics in inter-religious dialogue the Church is the ordinary means of salvation.(Redemptoris Missio 55).

Vatican Council II would be considered an anti Semitic document by the Jewish Left, who have created relativistic hate laws directed at non Jews.People have been imprisoned, fined and deprived of their employment under these leftist laws.Property has been confiscated.ADL, SPLC, ACLU, Binai Birth are major sellers of this legislation, appropriately called hate laws, but they praise Vatican Council II.

They assume that Vatican Council II names people saved in invincible ignorance and a good conscience (LG 16), they assume those saved in imperfect communion with the Church(UR), seeds of the word, elements of sanctification(LG 8) etc are physically visible exceptions to AG 7 and LG 14 and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is irrational.

Dominus Iesus, like Vatican Council II, indicates Jews and other non Catholics are 'in a deficient situation'. Their religions have errors and superstition.Vatican Council II appeals to Catholics to be missionary and this is contrary to the Jewish Left laws.

The Catholic Church is missionary out of love for Jews. The Council referred to 'the great religions. Nostra Aetate indicates that there could be good and holy Jews.Pope John Paul II called the Jews our elder brothers. Pope Francis has said that we have a special link with the Jews.

According to Vatican Council II the Church is now the fulfillment of the Jewish religion. The Church is the new people of God(Nostra Aetate, Vatican Council II).Catholics are the new people of God they are the new Chosen People. They have a new and everlasting Covenant.

They have the Jewish Messiah foretold by the Jewish prophets.They have the Eternal Sacrifice in the Holy Mass.They have the tabernacle with the Presence of God like the Ark of the Covenant.They remember the Passover with Easter and they are the only Church founded by Jesus Christ outside of which there is no salvation.(Vatican Council II Ag 7,LG 14).

The acknowledge the existence of Gehenna (Hell) with a 'devouring fire for all time' (Isaiah 33) and know now that non Catholics all over the world are going there for all eternity according to Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who is one with Jesus Christ.

Catholics love Jews.Our Lady and the Apostles were Jews.Catholics also believe in Yahweh and are children of Abraham.They follow the Ten Commandments of Moses.

They invite all Jews,and other non Catholics, to enter the Catholic Church which is the only Ark of Noah that saves in the flood, it is the only door to everlasting peace in Heaven.

'Jesus wants you to be a Roman Catholic', Fr.Brian Harrison would tell all non Catholics, Jews included.
-Lionel Andrades

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