Monday, March 11, 2013

Fr.Jonathan Morris suggests he can physically see the dead

The priest who who has spoken on many subjects and who can be seen on Youtube is claiming something irrational though politically correct.The Fox News Channel commentator appears rational in most respects except when he suggests that he can see the dead saved who are exceptions to the traditional teaching on the need of the Church for salvation.

He was a theological consultant to Mel Gibson when the Passion was being filmed in Rome.Mel Gibson does not claim that he can see the dead. Fr.Morris does.

So for Mel Gibson every one needs to be a visible member of the Catholic Church for salvation. For Fr.Morris there are known exceptions.He can physically see these exceptions. He knows them personally.

Recently in a commentary on Fox News he chose to make the irrational, non Catholic statement that every one does not have to be Catholic for salvation.

If he did not make this statement he would have caused a controversy for himself, just like Mel Gibson. He would be saying that all non Catholics, Jews included, in New York and the rest of the world, need to enter into the Catholic Church for salvation and he does not know of any exception.This would be difficult for someone who wants a career on U.S Television.-Lionel Andrades

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