Thursday, March 14, 2013

It has been part of Fr.Jonathan Morris' formation that the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and that Vatican Council II contradicts itself

It has been part of Fr.Jonathan Morris' formation that the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and that Vatican Council II contradicts itself

As a Legion of Christ priest he was taught,like all other priests in the world, that a person can be saved with the baptism of desire.This is fine. This is correct that in 'crtain circumstances' (Letter of the Holy Office 1949) and known only to God, a catechuman who dies without the baptism of water, which he sought, could be saved.However the Legion of Christ formation assumed that these cases are not just hypothetical but visible to us. So they were known exceptions to the traditional teaching on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

So the problem was not the Legion of Christ's accepting a baptism of desire but that they taught that the baptism of desire was visible to us. For them it was visible and repeatable like the baptism of water.

They would criticize Fr.Leonard Feeney for not accepting the baptism of desire as if it was visible and so a relevant exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

So now Fr.Jonathan Morris is not responding to Michael Voris' challenge for him to name some visible exceptions to all needing to convert into the Church in 2013 for salvation.

How can he name anyone?

According to Catholic traditional teaching just one mortal sin, un confessed in the Sacrament of Penance leads to Hell. So a Catholic, even though he believes in Jesus , can commit a mortal sin and be lost.

So Catholics do not claim that just because we believe in Jesus we are saved.It is not possible for any Catholic to say that 'this or that' person is going to be saved or is saved already.This would be Protestant- thinking.

We know that in Jesus alone there is salvation and this salvation is received through Him and His Mystical Body the Catholic Church. However we can also lose this right to Heaven which Jesus merited for us through his Sacrifice. We can lose it through willful mortal sin.

'With fear and trembling work out your salvation'(Phillipians).

Fr.John Morris has said on Fox News 'that it is not that all need to be Catholic' and he cannot name any exception in the present times. He cannot name anyone who will be saved with the baptism of desire, invincible ignorance or a good conscience (LG 16), imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3), elements of sanctification (LG 8), seeds of the word etc.

So there are no exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 which says all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation. Vatican Council II does not contradict itself. LG 16, LG 6 etc do not contradict AG 7.

This means all non Catholics in New York, and the rest of the world, need to be Catholic with faith and baptism (AG 7) and there are no visible exceptions.There are no exceptions.So they all need to convert to go to Heaven and avoid Hell according to Vatican Council II (AG 7) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846).

If it is wrongly alleged that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 excommunicated Fr.Leonard Feeney for heresy, then it would simply mean, that Pope Pius XII made the same error as Fr.Jonathan Morris. He assumed that those saved in invincible ignoranc and the baptism of desire were visible to us and so were exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, so, 'not that all need to be Catholic'
-Lionel Andrades

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ask Fr.Jonathan Morris the right questions on his Radio Show in the Archdiocese of New York

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