Saturday, March 16, 2013

Michael Vorris' question to Fr.Jonathan Moris could also be directed to the Society of St.Pius X

Michael Vorris has asked Fr.Jonathan Morris to clarfiy his statement  when he said on television  'not that every one needs to be a Catholic '. So far there has been no comment from the priest from the Archdiocese of Sydney who is a commentator on Fox News. Otherwise Fr.Jonathan Morris is ready to speak on any subject of the Catholic Faith.

Michael Voris asked Fr.Jonathan Morris to apologize.He asked him to name non Catholics who do not need to convert for salvation.

Exactly who does not have to be Catholic ? Which souls are better of without full communion with the Church ? Please identify the individuals ? Michael Voris asked.

Michael Voris on Church Militant TV could also be asking  the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) the same question. Since the SSPX also says that not every one needs to be Catholic since there could be people saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.

They say this on this on the internet and in a book sold by the SSPX which has been written by Fr.Francois Laisney. (Is Feenyism Catholic ?).

Exactly who does not have to be Catholic ? Which souls are better of without full communion with the Church ? Please identify the individuals ? Michael Voris could ask Fr.Francois Laisney of the SSPX and Fr.Joseph Pfieffer of the SSPX-SO. He could also put that question to Bishop Richard Williamson. Of course just like me, he will get no reply.

This question directed  to Fr.Jonathan Morris is at the centre of the SSPX understanding of Vatican Council II with reference to other religions, Christians communities and salvation.

Since the SSPX like Fr.Jonathan Morris assume that these cases saved in invincible ignroance are explicit, visible, seen with the naked eye, known personally in flesh and defacto cases , for them, Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition. It means Vatican Council II also contradicts itself (AG 7 vs LG 16).

The SSPX priests who took part in the doctrinal talks with the Vatican and those who teach theology at SPPX seminaries all take it for granted that 'not that every one needs to be a Catholic'.

The SSPX General Chapter Statement (July 19,2013) affirms extra ecclesiam nulla salus and says there are no exceptions but ' on the ground' their priests assume there are known exceptions.This can be confirmed on the internet where there articles are still available.

They also interpret the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 saying that there are known exceptions and so Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong.The Letter does not claim that there are known exceptions. If it did it would be an objectibe factual mistake. Since we cannot see the dead on earth who are living exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors.
-Lionel Andrades

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