Tuesday, March 5, 2013


The occult is flourishing in Rome.There are sadhus who every afternoon give a demonstration of three feet levitation.Amidst the smell of incense and wearing saffron robes they are definitely using a mantra and inviting a spirit.They have prepared themself with physical postures and concentration on different things.Now there body, mind and spirit has been prepared to accept an entity which is not from God.It is now Catholic.
roman colosseum picture, rome colosseum exterior

During Catholic exorcisms often the possessed person is know to levitate.Priests performing the exorcisms report on this.I knew a Franciscan priest who once was praying before  a girl possessed. During the exorcism the girl walked up the wall like an insect, contrary to the laws of gravity.

Similarly the young men demonstrating levitation, if it is genuine, would be frightening to watch to tourists, if he was just in the air. So they place an object between the sadhu in the air, sitting in a lotus position and the one seated on the ground.

In the East this is all looked down upon as the stuff of travelling mendicants.Instead the sannyasin is the Hindu (and now even Catholic in India) mendicant who practises austerity and seeks enlightenment, whatever that is supposed to mean to different people and schools of thought.The sadhu or faqir who has learnt some extraordinary ability demonstrates this ability for money or some material satisfaction.The Eastern gurus themselves criticize all this. This is the left path, the path of Tantra Yoga etc.

Aside from this occult from the East visible at the Coliseum over the last few weeks, there are young people here who use tarots and other forms of the occult.Near the Jewish ghetto in Rome there are shops selling these products needed for the occult- contact.Then there is the Church of Scientology in Rome with its Dianetics and other techniques which open up the unconsious mind.This brings the person in control of spirits  which are not pure and which can lead to a slavery to evil.The spirits provide satisfaction, even sexual,and gradually make the person dependent on them.There is an aversion for the Catholic Church.
When such a person who is under the influence of an impure spirit sees a person praying the rosary or wearing a holy object he feels  repulsion, fear or anger.
Mortal sin opens up ones psyche,one soul to the influence of evil.So do techniques of meditation, herbs and plants, drugs and yoga.So does the use of a mantra.

Now they are flaunting this evil at the Coliseum as if it is a supernatural ability  of the human person, something God-given.Instead it is something against God.

The saints Teresa of Avila and St.John of the Cross experienced levitation as Mystical gifts.It was not induced.They were graces or charisms given. It was prayer and suffering which was accompanied by experiences of levitation. The saints did not consider these experiences necessary and would try to even hide them.

What the sadhus have to offer is counterfeit.
-Lionel Andrades

Photo of a faqir and sadhi  in India -Wikipedia

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