Monday, March 25, 2013

Pope Francis and Yahya Pallavicini's understanding of Vatican Council II

Yahya Pallavicini, vice president of the Italian Islamic Religious Community, shook hands with Pope Francis last Wednesday and presented him with a book exploring the contemplative dimensions of Islam.

What would be his opinion if the pope handed him a little booklet on Vatican Council II. It was Cardinal Angelo Amato who said that we should evangelize with Vatican Council II and especially mentioned AG 7 and LG 14.The former Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had said in an interview with the daily Avvenire that the Church needs to be missionary.

So what was so special with the pope meeting religious leaders last Wednesday since all of us are participating already in the 'dialogue of life'.

Vatican Council II indicates that all Muslims need to convert for salvation and Yahya Pallavicini is not an exception.Vatican Council II says outside the Church there is no salvation (AG 7,LG 14) and LG 16 is not an exception since we cannot name any case saved with a good conscience or in invincible ignorance.

The leftists media made a big thing about it since they have their one world religion agenda to work towards.The dogma on exclusive salvation does not fit in with their goal.If anyone says outside the Church there is no salvation the leftist media would mistake it for sedevacantism. Since for them the baptism of desire etc contradicts extra eclesiam nulla salus. For them these cases are allegedly visible , they can see these cases for them to be exceptions.

So they accept a Vatican Council II with visible exceptions , of people now in Heaven and whom they can allegedly see in person.This is a new doctrine since no magisterial document says these cases are visible to us or are an exception to the defined dogma or to Ad Gentes 7 and the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846. This is not a Catholic teaaching.It is not part of the Deposit of the Faith. It is an added-on from the 1940's.

So the leftist media welcomes the meeting of Pope Francis with Yahya Pallavicini since according to them Vatican Council II indicates Pallvicini  is going to Heaven.Possibly this is also Pallavicini's undrstanding of Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades

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