Tuesday, March 19, 2013


No one can name names.The communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney and the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), and other 
traditionalists,could announce that being saved in invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire, seeds of the Word, imperfect communion with the Church etc are hypothetical and invisible - we cannot name any such person in the present times.This changes the entire concept of Vatican Council II which is common.This is a big breakthrough in seeing Vatican Council II as traditional with regard to other religions and Christian communities.

All this time the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney, the St.Benedict Centers, the SSPX,FSSP and other traditionalists, and also sedevacantists, have interpreted Vatican Council II as a break with the past.Since for them, salvation mentioned as a possibility, in Vatican Council II, was considered an actuality and known in personal cases.So when faced with Michael Voris' question: 'Can you name any such case ?',there is a big blank.It's about three weeks and there is no news from Fr.Jonathan Morris.He has not responded to the Church Militant TV video of March1,2013,'What Did He Just Say?'

If one  cannot name any person saved with the baptism of desire, how can the baptism of desire be a known exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ? How can something invisible and hypothetical be an exception to all (AG 7) needing to be visible members of the Church for salvation ?
Pope Francis drives through the crowds before his inaugural mass on 19 March 2013.

Pope Francis like many Jesuits, is expected to interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the past. He will assume that Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance etc) refers to cases physically visible and known in 2013. Traditionalists have to show him that we cannot name any such case.If the pope cannot  name anybody in the present times, then there are no exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Lumen Gentium 16 will not contradict Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II which says all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation.For the Jesuits, Vatican Council II contradicts itself.

The communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary have been saying that there are no exceptions to the dogma on salvation.This was also the view of the SSPX in their General Chapter statement last year.However there still is confusion.Confusion among traditionalists at the St.Benedict Center. Also with the SSPX.Neither was this issue covered in the SSPX-Vatican doctrinal talks because of the confusion.
The SSPX and the liberals will have to stop criticizing the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney.Since, if you cannot 'name any names' the baptism of desire is not an exception to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.The baptism of desire is irrelevant to the dogma. So what if Fr.Feeney rejected the baptism of desire ? This is the big lie of the secular media since the time of Archbishop Richard Cushing in Boston.

No magisterial text states that being saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance is physically visible  to us.No Church-document states that it is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The media has assumed it is.The SSPX has accepted this lie.Fr.Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for disobedience.It was not for heresy.He was not asked to recant by the Church when the excommunication was lifted.

Traditionalists need to clarify this issue, of not being able to name names.Clarify it for Pope Francis and the whole world.Every one needs to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation (John 3:5,Mark 16:16) and there are no exceptions.So if Pope Francis assumes that there are exceptions to the Great Commission, on the need for all to convert into the Church,then it is the responsibility of the traditionalists, and others, to show him the error.

The SBC and the SSPX must state in public  that we do not know anyone in 2013; we cannot name anyone,who is an exception to the dogmatic teaching and to Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades
Feast of St.Joseph

March 18, 2013
Michael Voris' question to Fr.Jonathan Morris could also be directed to the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney, the St.Benedict Centers

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