Monday, March 11, 2013

Will Father Jonathan Morris apologise?

Father Jonathan Morris needs to apologise said Michael Voris for suggesting that there are some people in 2013 whom he knows, who does not need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. Yet this is also the error held in Fr.Jonathan Morris former community, the Legion of Christ and now also in the Archdiocese of New York where he is incardinated.
Fr.Morris a commentator for Fox News suggested recently that everone does not need to enter the Catholic Church. So Michael Vorris on Church Militant TV asked the simple question: whom does he think in particular will go to Heaven without the Catholic Church.Could he name some them?

Fr.Morris was the Vice Rector of the Legion of Christ University in Rome(UPRA) where I had been studying.He was always a liberal on this issue of other religions and salvation, like many of the priests there. May be the error was unintentional.

They all took it for granted that those saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire were explicitly known to us. These cases were physically visible and so they were an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

They also condemned Fr.Leonard Feeney as if the baptism of desire etc was relevant to the literal interpretation of the dogma.

This has also been the error of the Archbishop of New York and the priests there. They will refuse to affirm Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.This would include the non Catholics of New York.

If Father Morris apologises and corrects himself, he would be saying that all Jews and Muslims in New York need to convert into the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell according to the teachings of the Catholic Church (Vatican Council II, Cathechism of the Catholic Church 846, Dominus Iesus 20, extra ecclesiam nulla salus etc.).
The ex-Legionaries of Christ priest is promoting indifferentism via the media and contradicting the official teaching of the Catholic Church.
No magisterial document says there are known exceptions in the present times to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus or to Vatican Council II (AG 7).-Lionel Andrades

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