Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cardinal Sean O Malley, Archbishop of Boston and other Advisors to Pope Francis accept the evil values of the Jewish Left

The following is available on the Archdiocese of Boston Website.


Resources for Teaching and Preaching the Passion

The Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College announces a multi-media curriculum for congregational interfaith dialogue

Nostra Aetate: What is it?
Posted: October 20, 2005
In 1965, the Second Vatican Council made historic changes to church policies and theology. Among them was Nostra Aetate, Latin for "In Our Time," a document that revolutionized the Catholic Church's approach to Jews and Judaism after nearly 2000 years of pain and sorrow.
Section four of Nostra Aetate repudiates the centuries-old "deicide" charge against all Jews, stresses the religious bond shared by Jews and Catholics, reaffirms the eternal covenant between God and the People of Israel, and dismisses church interest in trying to baptize Jews.
For the first time in history Nostra Aetate called for Catholics and Jews to engage in friendly dialogue and biblical and theological discussions to better understand each other's faith. After intense debate and some strong opposition, Nostra Aetate was approved by the world's Bishops and Cardinals in Rome on October 28, 1965. Nostra Aetate also calls for the church to dialogue with other world religions. (emphasis added)

ADL online guide: Nostra Aetate: Transforming the Catholic-Jewish Relationship.
( includes essays by some of the world's leading Jewish-Catholic interfaith experts who analyze the history and significance of Nostra Aetate, ( as well as a practical "how-to" guide on teaching the lessons of Nostra Aetate to new generations of Catholics and Jews.
(Nostra Aetate 4 says the Church is ' the new people of God'. Catholics are the new Chosen People.They have the Jewish Messiah who has made an eternal covenant with his Death and Sacrifice.

Nostra Aetate does not state that Judaism is the ordinary means of salvation or that Jews in general do not have to convert into the Catholic Church.
If it did it would be a contradiction of Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.
Nostra Aetate respects the good and holy things in other religions but does not say that these religions are paths to salvation.)


SIDIC: "Service International de Documentation Judeo-Chretienne"
High quality information, documents and book reviews pertaining to Jewish-Christian Relations. Published by the SIDIC center in Rome.

(SIDIC is a pro Jewish Left Documentation Centre whose values are not Catholic.)

These are the views of Cardinal Sean O Malley, Archbishop of Boston . He and other Advisors to Pope Francis accept the evil values of the Jewish Left.
-Lionel Andrades

Pope Francis ' advisor rejects Vatican Council II

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