Sunday, April 7, 2013

Divine Mercy Sunday

In the Diary of St.Faustina Kowalski Jesus refers to 'heretics and schismatics' the very words of the dogma on extra ecclesiam nulla salus defined in Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441.Cantate Domino refers to Protestants and Orthodox Christians as 'heretics and schismatice'.

Liberals do not like the words 'heretics and schismatics'. The political Left media acts as if Ad Gentes 7 does not exist. Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation.Protestants and Orthodox Christians do not have Catholic Faith.They are not in unity with the Church. They do not formally belong to the Church. If there is any Protestant or Orthodox Christian saved, it would be known to God.There could exist a case as a possibility. In general they need to enter the Catholic Church and follow the teachings of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.
During the Fifth Day of the Novena leading to Divine Mercy Sunday Catholics prayed for those heretics and schismatics who have abused  the graces and all the good things God has offered them and who have continued obstinately in their errors.

Divine Mercy Sunday today carries a plenary and partial indulgence under the usual conditions for those to whom it is applied.There was a large number of people at the Divine Mercy Church in Rome for the 3 0'clock prayer.The chaplet was prayed in different languages.-Lionel Andrades

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