Thursday, April 11, 2013

If LG 16 is 'invisible' then doctrinally Pope Francis is outside the Church

The pope has said inter-religious dialogue will be conducted according to Vatican Council II(with visible invincible ignorance?) when he met non Catholic religious leaders.
Doctrinally for Pope Francis the Council is a break with Tradition since those saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) are visible exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 which says all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation.For the pope all do not need to enter the Church.For him Lumen Gentium 16 contradicts Ad Gentes 7. Vatican Council II contradicts itself. Can he see non Catholics now saved in invincible ignorance ?
We humans cannot see the dead in Heaven saved in invincible ignorance; who will not have had the Gospel preached to them through no fault of their own.These cases now in Heaven are invisible to the human eye.They are only visible to God.They are accepted in principle, in faith by us Catholics.In reality we do not know any such case.In 2013 there is no explicit case.
So if Lumen Gentium  16 refers to invisible cases, the pope is denying, rejecting and contradicting Vatican Council II, the Nicene Creed (I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin-and not three known baptisms) and other Magisterial documents (Dominus Iesus 20 etc).So doctrinally Pope Francis is out of the Church.
Meanwhile according to the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) General Chapter statement (2012) they acknowledge that there are no exceptions to all needing faith and baptism (AG 7). Every one needs to formally and visibly enter the Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.This is also a defined dogma of the Church.
This is the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church and that of Vatican Council II ( with invisible LG 16).
Catholic doctrine has a precision like mathematics and a way of asserting itself even when religious make mistakes ,as did the Archbishop of Boston and the Jesuits at the time of Fr.Leonard Feeney.They wrongly assumed that non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance etc were visible to us and so were exceptions to the centuries old teaching on other religions and salvation.
Lumen Gentium 16 is invisible!So Vatican Council II should no more be a problem for the SSPX. The Council and Catechism are traditional.The SSPX are in.
There are 'no exceptions' (General Chapter Statement, 2012) in Vatican Council II to Ad Gentes 7 (all need faith and baptism for salvation).
Ad Gentes 7 indicates Hindus,Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, etc need faith and baptism for salvation.All Protestant and Orthodox Christians need Catholic Faith (AG 7).This is also the SSPX traditional position in inter religious dialogue and ecumenism.
The SSPX should appeal to the Vatican Curia to 'regularize' itself. Call up a Press Conference and educate the media.
Inter religious dialogue and ecumenism must be rational and based on invisible Lumen Gentium 16, Lumen Gentium 8 (elements of sanctification). So those saved with the 'seeds of the word', imperfect communion with the Church and being 'good and holy' non Catholics  are invisible to us in 2013. All invisible to the pope.
So when the pope meets non Catholic leaders,Jews and Muslims according to Vatican Council II (AG 7) they are all oriented to Hell(with Original Sin and mortal sins committed in this state and with no access to the Sacraments of the Catholic Church) unless they convert into the Church before death.This is the teaching of the Conciliar Church based on Vatican Council II.

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