Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It is to be seen what concessions Pope Francis will give to the enemy.

The Jewish Left is extending its domination over the world and now Pope Francis could be faced with difficult  choices. These are decisions that Pope Benedict XVI left for his successor.
Do we preserve the Vatican or proclaim the Good News ? Do we choose a Church which is poor or one which is secure and protected but wihout Christian values?
To preserve the Vatican in its present form Pope Benedict had to say that the Society of St.Pius X must  accept Vatican Council II as interpreted by the Jewish Left.
To preserve the Vatican he had to say Bishop Richard Williamson could not be a bishop in the Catholic Church even though he did not violate Canon Law.
He had to say that the Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews was not for their conversion in the present times.
He had to write a controversial letter to all the bishops in the world after he lifted the excommunication of the SSPX bishops.
He had to keep quiet when the ADL said that Jews are the Chosen People of God even though Vatican Council II (NA) says the Church is the new people of God.
Rabbis associated with Israel had to be assured that there would be no mission to the Jews or anybody else.
He had to keep quiet as a pro-reincarnation, pro-New Age conference was held at the Gregorian University on Teilhard di Chardin.
He could see the Pontfical Universities going under the control of the Jewish Left but he could no nothing.Since he had to preserve the Vatican.
The newspapers reported there was a threat of war over the Good Friday Prayer issue. He diffused the tension with a syncretistic article in the L'Osservatore Romano addressed to the Chief Priest of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.He loved the Church in its present form.
Now there are liberal rabbis employed by the Pontifical Universities in Rome, pro abortion bishops he made cardinals voted in the Conclave and there is a new Jewish seminary in Rome. The Vatican surrendered and has been in siege.It is to be seen what concessions Pope Francis will give to the enemy.
-Lionel Andrades

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