Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Liberal Australian priest calls an interpretation of Vatican Council II fundamentalist

Rejects Vatican Council II as 'fundo'.

Fr.John George 92 on the forum True Catholic has to choose between two interpretations of Vatican Council II. One in which LG 16 (invincible ignorance) is considered visible to us in the present times, i.e we can physically see people now in Heaven who are saved and the second, that these cases are invisible to us and known only to God.

If invincible ignorance etc is visible to us in 2013 then it means Vatican Council II is a break with the past.LG 16 etc contradicts Ad Gentes 7 whichs says all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation.

In this case there are known exceptions to AG 7.The exceptions are those saved in invincible ignorance etc who are allegedly visible to us.

The second interpretation is those saved in invincible ignorance etc are not known to us and so they are not exceptions to AG 7 and the traditional teaching on other religions. So Vatican Council II is not a break with the past. It means all non Catholics in Sydney, Australia need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation.

The second interpretation is rejected by Fr.John George as fundamentalist.He prefers to say that he can see the dead who are exceptions and so for him this is the teaching of the Church on non Catholics and salvation.

He does not use the rational visible-invisible, explicit-implicit, in fact-in principle analysis of Church document. This analysis was used in the Introduction to Dominus Iesus (defacto-dejure).
-Lionel Andrades

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