Monday, April 1, 2013

Muslim Imams in Australia hold that there is exclusive salvation in Islam- and the rest of us are going to Hell

It is reported that in 2007, it was estimated that nearly 20 imams in Australia were paid by Saudi Arabia.(1)

According to the Sunnis,there is exclusive salvation in only Islam and all the others need to convert to go to Paradise.

In Saudi Arabia there are areas not accessible to non Muslims.Christians are imprisoned if found praying.Saudi media is continuously criticizing ChristiansAccording to them Christians are unbelievers.

For the 20 Imams in Australia, Christianity is a false religion according to their Tradition (hadees) and so they have mission (dawah).Islam is missionary.

They reject the Qadiani (Mirzaities) calling themself Muslims. Since the Qadianis do not accept Mohammad, as the last prophet of God, though they accept the tenets of Islam. In Muslim countries Qadianis are imprisoned for proclaiming basic teachings of Mohammad.
In Rome a few years back at an Islamic madrassah-like school, the text books in Arabic said all Christians and Jews are going to Hell. This was an exclusive report in the Italian daily Il Messaggerro.

Some 600 years before Islam the Catholic Faith, the only Christian religion at that time, taught there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church. Now even though the Catholic religion still teaches in Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church that all Muslims are on the path to Hell unless they convert before death, Catholic religious and lay people do not know the Faith.-Lionel Andrades

Wahhabi influence in Australia is reported to expand. Saudi Arabia is estimated to spent $120 million on religious works in Australia beginning in 1970's. In March 2007, it was announced that Saudis were planning a $2.7 billion scholarship fund for Australian universities, organised to make the entry of Saudi students into Australia easier to receive tertiary education due to restrictions on their entry into the US and UK in the post-9/11 security environment. In 2007, it was estimated that nearly 20 imams in Australia were paid by Saudi Arabia, including Sheik Mohammed Swaiti, the most eminent Muslim cleric in Canberra and spiritual leader of the Abu Bakr mosque since 1994.

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