Monday, April 15, 2013

One does not have to be a sedevancatist to hold the traditional teaching on outside the church there is no salvation with no exceptions

Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), -Most Holy Family Monastery

The sedevacantists Peter and Michael Dimond state one must believe 'in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith)..
I believe in No Salvation without exception.I do not have to be a sedevacantist.

 Then they say 'no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith..' I too say there is no visible baptism of desire and there is no case known of a person saved in invincible ignorance. So once again there are no exceptions.Since there are no known exceptions, these cases are not visible to us outside the church there is no salvation does not contradict Vatican Council II.

So the Dimond brothers could the traditional understanding of the dogma on salvation alongwith Vaticn Council II if they make the distinction between visible and invisible baptism of desire, invincible ignorance etc.The baptism of desire is always invisible for us. Since the MHFM assumes that the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma they imply that these cases are visible.This is irrational. How can one cannot be seen be an exception to anything ?

They would find what I am saying this hard to believe and probably think I am making this up. Since for them the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are real and visible.

One does not have to be a sedevancatists to hold the traditional teaching on outside the church there is no salvation with no exceptions.It is even compatible with Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church along as it is remembered that LG 16 is invisible and LG 8 is just as invisible to us.-Lionel Andrades

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