Saturday, April 13, 2013

The issue is not whether the baptism of desire/invincible ignorance results in justification or salvation but is it visible or not

Only God can decide when it is justification or salvation.
Catholics should not fall for the error from Boston in the 1940's but talk in terms of naming. As Michael Voris asked Fr.Jonathan Morris.(See video 'What Did he Just Say? )
Something like this could be asked:
"Sir could you name visible exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 ? Do all need faith and baptism for salvation (AG 7) or can you name some exception?"
At conferences this question was not asked.Tons of papers discussing Vatican Council II are a waste, since they have assumed Lumen Gentium 16 is visible to us. As if they could name exceptions!
This was the error at the last conference in Rome on Vatican Council II organised by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate with Prof. Roberto dei Mattei present. I asked him these questions in writing but he would not answer.

They all assumed that being saved in invincible ignorance, a good conscience, seeds of the word, imperfect communion with the church etc, referred to visible cases.
How can the dead-saved 'who have not had the Gospel preached to them through no fault of their own', be visible to us in the flesh ? .

So at conferences Lumen Gentium 16 is irrationally seen as a break with the past. LG 16-visible, is a break with the past. On this error liberals and heretics base their understanding of Vatican Council II. Archbishop Gerhard Muller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican has said those who interpret the Council as a break with the past are in heresy. He referred to traditionalists and progressives.The SSPX sees LG 16 as visible. Fr.Karl Rahner S.J also got it wrong.
There are no known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus as Fr.Leonard Feeney would say.This was the error of the Archbishop of Boston and Fr.Leonard Feeney's Jesuit Superiors.
So besides justification and salvation Catholics could now also talk in terms of visible and invisible salvation. It is relevant to the common error in the media today.
This is more down to earth. We know what we can see and what we cannot.We do not know who has justification in individual cases.
So there are no visible exceptions to the traditional teaching. All non Catholics with no exception , need to convert formally, visibly, into the Catholic Church for salvation, to avoid Hell.
-Lionel Andrades

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