Monday, April 15, 2013

Vatican Council II agrees with St.Robert Bellarmine :depends if LG 16 is visible or invisible

Today morning I had a little time to visit the tomb of St.Robert Bellarmine in that magnificent basilica in central Rome.I thought to myself that St.Robert Bellarmine was in perfect sync with Vatican Council II in his understanding of exclusive salvation being there in only the Catholic Church.
The leftists call this triumphalism since they interpret Vatican Council II as a break with St.Robert Bellarmine and assert the absurd- that of Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance) being visible to us in 2013.Through their media they have conditioned just about every one to believe that we can see the dead saved in invincible ignorance , seeds of the word etc.
If we look at LG 16 as being known only to God, there being no explicit cases of invincible ignorance, then LG 16 is traditional and has a continuity with St. Robert Bellarmine.So if Vatican Council II is to be  pro or anti St.Robert Bellarmine,  depends if salvation in Vatican Council II is considered visible or invisible for us. It's simple.
It's on the basis of this factual error, of being able to physically see the dead, visible ghosts, that here is so much written on the Internet which considers Vatican Council II as a break with the thinking of that great Jesuit.-Lionel Andrades

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