Sunday, May 5, 2013

Apostasy in the Church

Today morning in the homily the priest mentioned the general apostasy in Europe which Pope John Paul II referred to.
 We can see Catholics afraid of proclaiming the faith because of leftist laws, which threaten  their  employment,family, reputation etc.The priest called it the secularisation of society.
 Lay Catholics are afraid of saying that Vatican Council II  says all need faith and baptism for salvation ; all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water to go to Heaven and to avoid Hell.
 In this sense the ' general apostasy' is also  there in religious communities including that of the homilist.
 There is a secularization in which religious do no want to  say that Vatican Council II  says outside the Church there is no salvation. They cannot say all non Catholics need to enter the Church to avoid Hell. Or, as Pope Francis recently said that we cannot find Jesus outside the Church.
If they do proclaim that non Catholics,Jews, Muslims and Protestants ,  need to convert  into the Church to avoid Hell,  someone could report them. Their vocation and lifestyle could be  threatened. They could be suspended. Their superiors would want to  avoid financial and political action against them under leftist laws. Leftist laws like  proselytism, racist, anti Semitism.This is the  new fascism, the new oppression.
 So  for their peace and security, we in the pews have to see a general apostasy, among the religious. A secularisation of society has entered the Church, in which many good people are not proclaiming the Good News in the name of peace etc. To protect themself and their religious community.
 While there are other religious who have gone a step  ahead and compromised with the 'ememies of the church'. They claim that the church teaches that cases of persons saved in invincible ignorance are physically visible to us. So every one does not  have to convert as in the past.
Others are giving the Eucharist to homosexuals at Mass. Others inviting Protestants to Mass and are not telling them that they are outside the Church. This is the general apostasy.
-Lionel Andrades

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