Friday, May 31, 2013

Corpus Domini procession held in Rome: pause in rainy day

The Corpus Domini procession was held yesterday with Pope Francis walking with the others behind the Eucharist. He did not kneel before the Eucharist as did Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.

It rained in the morning but during  the procession there was no rain and so the prayers of many people were answered. In the past the procession was cancelled due to rain and the Mass was held within the Basilica of St.John Lateran.

This year there were more participants at the procession as compared to previous years, in spite of the bad weather, strong cold winds continued throughout the day with light rain.

I noticed most of the Sisters participating in the procession were not carrying umbrellas. Perhaps this was true also for the priests, I did not notice.

If it rained those good nuns and many lay people would be prepared for a mortification.Or they were just optimistic that this year there would be no rain during the procession.

The above photo is from the diocesan newspaper Avvenire, Rome on line. There is such a poor coverage. There should have been large photos and many reports. Instead there are the usual worldly headlines which can also be read in the secular newspapers.
-Lionel Andrades

Video: St Juliana & the Feast of Corpus Christi

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