Saturday, May 11, 2013

Even though informed Catholics are pretending that there are exceptions to Vatican Council (AG 7) and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Even though informed Catholics know that there are no known cases of persons saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire, they are pretending that these cases are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and to Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.
Lay Catholics with no knowledge of theology are allowed to believe wrongly that the Church teaches that these cases are known to us in the present times and that this is the teaching of the Catholic Church or even the Holy Spirit.
The Magisterium does not mention any exceptions in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.The Letter of the Holy Office does not use the word exceptions. It just mentions those who can be saved in invincible ignorance and with implicit desire.

It is informed Catholics who presume that these cases are visible and known to us and so are exceptions to AG 7.

Similarly the popes in the ordinary Magisterium mention the possibility of being saved in invincible ignorance etc but they do not state that these cases are visible and so a contradiction to all needing to convert into the Church.

It is Catholics who do not want to accept the dogma on salvation and AG 7, who pretend that these cases are visible exceptions.They talk about 'eyes of faith' and other irrelevancy.

Even though they know what they say  and teach is not true or rational they allow lay Catholics, with no knowledge of theology, to continue to believe in this irrationality.

When Pope Francis said that Jesus cannot be found outside the Church a priest Fr.John George (True Catholic Discussion Board) disagreed with him on this board. Since invisible cases saved are visible to him (politically) so he pretends they  are exceptions to AG 7 which he will not affirm. For him even Vatican Council II(AG 7) would have to be changed or reinterpreted to support irrationality.
He cannot appear as denying the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus so he would say that there are known exceptions even though he cannot name any such case in 2013 or during his lifetime.
There are threatening leftist laws. To avoid being penalized Catholics are knowingly teaching error and claiming that this is the teaching of the Church.
-Lionel Andrades

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