Saturday, May 25, 2013

No correction from Bro. Andre Marie MICM : the baptism of desire was never an exception to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney and neither physically visible to us.

There  have been so many reports on the Internet on the baptism of desire.This issue has been debated frustratingly.So  many Catholics on different Internet forums have been confused. Bro. Andre Marie MICM, has still to say that these cases,deceased, now in Heaven are not visible to us.They are not known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.He still has to say that they are irrelevant to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.
Brother André Marie
Even  Fr.Brian Harrison needs to clarify this issue.Since he writes ,'It seems that in recent debates over “Feeneyism” in traditional Catholic circles, the lion’s share of the cut-and-thrust has been devoted to issue (a) – that is, to arguing for or against the validity of ‘baptism of desire’ and ‘baptism of blood’...' (1).He takes it for granted also that the baptism of desire and baptism of blood are known exceptions and so relevant to the Boston Heresy Case.If these cases are not visible to us then the Boston Heresy Case refers to the Archbishop and Jesuits of Boston at that time.
Fr.Harrison is revising  an article for, which will contain the error of being able to see the dead, now saved in Heaven and who are known exceptions to the dogma.
No one from any of the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney in the USA, Dioceses of Worcester,Manchester and Los Angeles, have been willing to answer two questions which I have been asking them over the years.I assumed they were thinking this through and discussing it.It has been a long time now.
-Lionel Andrades 


About Brother André Marie
A native of New Orleans, Louisiana, Brother Andre Marie graduated from that city's Holy Cross School in 1988. He went on to study at Louisiana State University's (LSU) main campus in Baton Rouge, on full scholarship as a music major. After three years at LSU, he transferred to Holy Apostles College and Seminary, in Cromwell, Connecticut, where he took a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spring of 1993 (major in Humanities with a minor in Philosophy). In September of 2007, he received the degree of Master of Arts in Theology, Summa cum Laude, also from Holy Apostles.
He entered as a postulant for the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in May of 1993, and went on to the novitiate on Christmas of that year. He made profession of vows on Epiphany of 1996.
Since 1993, he was mentored in philosophy and theology by Brother Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M., Ph.D., a published philosopher of note.
His apostolic work has included various facets of the publishing apostolate of the congregation. For ten years, he was also part of the community's small "mission band" of brothers who traveled to different cities distributing literature to interested persons in an effort to spread the Catholic Faith and bring wayward Catholics back to a sacramental life. He oversaw that apostolate for four years.
He has edited three of the Order's books, published dozens of articles, and presented numerous lectures in apologetics, the history of doctrine, the Church's ecumenical councils, ecclesiology, and devotional topics. He is currently giving lectures on making America Catholic as part of the "Catholic America Tour."
Since 2002, he has been Prior of St. Benedict Center, an apostolate of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Richmond, New Hampshire.

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