Monday, May 20, 2013

Technically most of the apologists at EWTN would have to resign-if they are going to be honest and say there are no known exceptions to the dogma

There are no known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus so technically most of the apologists at EWTN would have to resign. They do not meet EWTN's liberal  standards on the Catholic Faith.This is if they are going to be honest and say that there are no known exceptions to the dogma in the present times. In 2013 we personally do not know any one who is an exception.

I don't know about Scott Hahn.
But the rest of the apologists have been assuming that we can see the dead who are living exceptions to the interpretation of the dogma by Fr.Leonard Feeney.For the apologists, the 'rigorous interpretation' of the dogma was outdated  since they assumed there were known exceptions.For the apologists those saved in invincible ignorance or implicit desire were living exceptions to the old, traditional interpretation of the dogma. This suited EWTN.

Now we know that in no Catholic Magisterial document is it  mentioned that there are known or unknown exceptions to the dogma.So the apologists and EWTN's present position is not the teaching of the Catholic Church but the interpretation of the leftist media.It was one major con operation.Since the 1940's the media has been feeding us the lie.

There are only possibilities mentioned in Magisterial texts, the possibilities of non Catholics saved with implicit desire or inculpable ignorance - but these are not exceptions. If they are not known, they are not exceptions for us, known or unknown.In their very nature they cannot be exceptions.Since they are explict for God and always implicit for us.

So, are the apologists on EWTN going to affirm the traditional interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church,as did Mother Angelica ?
Or are they still going to pretend that this is all a bad dream which will go away ?
-Lionel Andrades

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