Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The only four clerics in the entire world are schismatic because they assume Vatican Council II is non traditional and interpret it with the false premise

Pope Benedict also undid the injustice of the absurd “excommunication” of the bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X, literally the only four clerics in the entire world to which the term “schismatic” was (and, quite perversely, still is) being applied in this strange epoch of “ecumenism” and “interreligious dialogue.”-Christopher Ferrara
The only four clerics in the entire world are schismatic because they assume that Vatican Council II is non traditional and are not aware that they interpet the Council with the false premise of the dead saved being visible to us on earth.
They are schismatic since they are still ignorant that on the issue of other religions and ecumenism there are two ways of interpreting the Council- with or without the false premise. They have chosen the one with the false premise of the visible dead man walking on earth.
This is also the error of the Vatican Curia and so the Curia cardinals  expect the SSPX bishops to accept the Council with this error. Since they are rejecting the Council with this error and not pointing out the mistake to the Curia, it is assumed they are in schism for rejecting the Council which has been approved by the popes, who have also not corrected the error.
The same error is being made by Christopher Ferrara in his interpretation of Vatican Council II. If someone could explain all this to him he would know that the Council does not contradict the dogmas of the Church, including extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
So the issue would not be if the Council is dogmatic or pastoral but accepting a traditional Vatican Council in which the liberals would not have any basis for their dissent and schism.-Lionel Andrades

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