Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The reports on Fr.Leonard Feeney on the Internet are either political propaganda or ignorance.

There are many people who know that we do not know anyone in 2013 saved in invincible ignorance or implicit desire. We cannot name any such case.Yet on the Internet they persist and state that these cases are exceptions to Fr.Leonard Feeney and the traditional interpretation of the dogma.So for them there cannot be Catholic Mission based on the knowledge that all non Catholics are oriented to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church.They know of alleged exceptions whom they cannot name!

Since these informed writers assume that we can meet people on earth who are also saved with invincible ignorance etc and are simultaneously in Heaven, the dogmatic teaching extra ecclesiam nulla salus is irrelevant.

Then there are members of the Jewish Left who threathen Catholics under the anti-Semitism, proseyltism and racist laws ,besides other laws which they are about to create. So if for example a Catholic writes that there are no known cases of a non Catholic saved in invincible ignorance this year, this would mean all Jews in 2013  need to convert to avoid Hell. Similarly with the Muslims, pagans etc.This Catholic writer could be threathened with fines and his diocese could ask him to stop using the name Catholic ( if he does) to avoid litigation against them.So the Jewish Left are maintaining the false propaganda on this subject.

The leftists SPLC has already branded Catholics as anti Semitic for repeating the Biblical teaching which says Jews need to convert in the present times.

Then there are so many other Catholics on the Internet who innocently assume that being saved in invincible ignorance or with implicit desire are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has never said that these cases known only to God,could not be exceptions to the necessity of the Church for the salvation of all. The CDF has never said that there can not be known  exceptions, to all needing faith and baptism (AG 7).

So the reports on Fr.Leonard Feeney are written either in innocence or intentional propaganda. There are so many of them on the Internet with even errors being made by members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Vatican (Cardinal Levada and Archbishop Di Noia), Congregation for the Clergy and the Council for Christian Unity,Vatican - and yet the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith does not issue a clarification.
-Lionel Andrades

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