Wednesday, May 29, 2013

There are two views in moral theology.

The post Would St.Alphonsus Ligouri recommend going for the Sacraments to Fr.John George ? has been removed from the internet forum True Catholic.(1)
The Administrator holds the liberal position that we cannot judge who is in mortal sin and mortal sin is not objective.This would be useful for Fr.John George and liberal priests in the Archdiocese of Sydney.
Here is another post on True Catholic trying to explain that there are two views in moral theology.

But what about Lionel? He still affirms what he wrote in that post and has also placed it on his blog.
According to Pope John Paul II's Veritatis Splendor mortal sin is objective and can be judged. According to dissidents Fr.Charles Curran and the liberal lobby mortal sin is not objective and we cannot judge when a person is in mortal sin.
Why should I choose the lie of Fr.Curran ?. This was also not the teaching of the Church in the past.
Moral theology and salvation do not refer to an objective reality ? Or everything is relative?
Secondly I affirm Vatican Council II(AG 7) Fr.John George will not affirm it on this board?
Do we end discussion of Vatican Council II on TC ? Just like the defined dogma on salvation which he also does not accept? What about CCC 846?
What I reported in that post was not a personal view it is based on the teaching of the Catholic Church. It is because of the scandal on TC that I had been forced to post that report.
The same problem exists for me here in Rome. When a priest knows and has been informed and persists in the error I do not go to him to receive the Eucharist as St.Alphonsus Ligouri recommends.
So Fr.Peter Maher is not in mortal sin!?.John you agree with Faz ? Clara may also not believe abortion is a mortal sin.This is being a True Catholic ?-Lionel Andrades

Second post.

I am waiting for John's response.Not yours.

Does John believe in Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Council II and is John as Administrator saying that Fr.John George accepts AG 7?

Does John accept CCC 846 which quotes AG 7 and is he saying as the Administrator that Fr.John George's posts affirm CCC 846 ?

Does 'mother church' teach AG 7 and CCC 846 ?

Does mother church say that homosexual relations and the act is a mortal sin? Can Faz and Fr.John George be exempted from saying this?

I could go on... -Lionel Andrades


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Would St.Alphonsus Ligouri recommend going for the Sacraments to Fr.John George ?

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