Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We have to wait patiently


We have got to help them.

We just can't leave them in their ignorance.

You and I understand the mistake they are making.

Gradually it will ' sink in' with them. We have to work at it patiently.

Since what we are saying is not a new theology or theory or a personal view.It is observing that we all share a universal understanding, that in general, the dead cannot be seen with the visible eye.

Many people have realized this now and did not know this before.

I think of the small group of Mother Teresa Sisters in Rome who confronted the professors at the Gregorian University, Rome on this issue.They will have helped those Catholic professors think about this.

Similarly it is not the fault of Bob to think the way he does about the exceptions to the dogma. I made the same mistake once upon a time and now I have corrected myself.-Lionel Andrades

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