Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bishop Athanasius Schneider could have been using the common false premise of being able to see the dead

Michael Voris mentions that Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan suggested that 'the time had come for a Syllabus of Errors to be published by the Holy Father clearing up the misinterpretations of the documents of the Second Vatican Council which have become so rampant. Those errors include a false ecumenism, indifferentism regarding world religions..'  

It is possible that Bishop Athanasius Schneider was misinterpreting Vatican Council II since he used the common false premise of being able to see the dead and then assumed these cases were exceptions to the Catholic Church's traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities.
-Lionel Andrades
The call for a new Syllabus of Errors, this time on Vatican II, should be heeded

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