Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bishop Bernard Fellay and the SSPX 's interpretation of Archbishop Lefebvre has been irrational over the years.

Bishop Bernard Fellay and the Society of St.Pius X priests and supporters, have been using an irrational interpretation of the two well known  quotations of their founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on the issue of other religions and salvation.
 The same irrationality they extended to their interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney and then to Vatican Council II . This becomes clear when we review Archbishop Lefebvre's comment
1) with and without the Richard Cushing  Error
2)  with the in principle and de facto interpretation and
3) the precise  Deadwood Statements  responsible for the confusion.
This opens a whole new world for the SSPX . They are now reconciled with the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney in the USA and have a traditional Vatican Council II before them, on the issue of other religions, ecumenism, and salvation.
Full canonical status is their right.Since  already they are in agreement with a traditional Vatican Council II.Their traditional position on other religions and Christians communities and churches is already that of Vatican Council II, without the Richard Cushing Error.
The Council is no more liberal for them. Ad Gentes 7 indicates that the members of the 'great religions'  need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation.Though there are 'good and holy things'(NA) in other religions they are not paths to salvation(AG 7).
All Christans need Catholic Faith to go to Heaven (AG 7) and though there may be some Christians in imperfect communion with the Catholic Church(UR 3), defacto, personally we  we do not known any such case for them to be known or unknown exceptions to Ad Gentes7.
All Christians need to convert into 'this one and only Church of God'(UR 3)  for salvation, they need to be members of the Catholic Church who are 'the new people of God' (NA 4). The new chosen people of God.
Vatican Council II like the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846) says outside the Church there is no salvation.
Lionel Andrades
Richard Cushing Confusion at the Vatican
Modernism at Rorate Caeili
No priest or supporter of the SSPX has...

 Cardinal Walter Kaspar has drawn upon the Richard Cushing Confusion
Richard Cushing Confusion is all over Vatican Council II : when identified the Council is as traditional as the SSPX

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