Monday, June 24, 2013

Card. Christoph Schonborn and Card. Timothy Michael Dolan are members of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelisation!!

No one has still protested at Cardinal Christoph Schonborns statement that Vatican Council II has to be interpreted according to Tradition but there was also ' a developnent of doctrine' in the Council.He is a member of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelisation.
Vatican Council II does not mention any case of explicit salvation outside the church. Seeds of the word, imperfect communion with the church, elements of sanctification etc are possibilities. We do not know of any such case over the last 100 years. They are not explicit for us.To assume that they are explciit is the Richard Cushing Error.
Since there are no explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus what is the basis for 'a development of doctrine'? On which new revelation in Vatican Council II is it based ?
 Archbishop Gerhard Muller the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican said that those who interpret the Council as a break with Tradition are heretical. He was referring to all, traditionalists and progressives.

Archbishop Christoph Schonborn when questioned by the media agreed with Archbishop Muller but also added that in Vatican Council II there was ' a doctrinal development' ! You can have your cake and eat it too!

For progressives a doctrinal development means accepting 'the theology of religions', the 'ecclesiology of communion' and the 'ecumenism of non return'. This is a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the Social Reign of Christ the King.It is a break with Vatican Council II (AG 7)

Cardinal Christoph Schonborn has no text in Vatican Council II to support his new theology.Since the Council does not mention anyone in particular saved outside the church i.e without Catholic Faith and the baptism of water. References to invincible ignorance, a good conscience, seeds of the word etc are in-principle cases, accepted hypothetically and known only to God.So the Council does not cite any case which contradicts the traditional teaching on other religions.For Cardinal Schonborn non Catholics could be saved in their religion and they are being saved in their religion in the present times. So they  do not have to convert. Similar would be the case with Christians.So why does he evangelize ?
This is also the doctrinal error of the other member of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelisation, Cardinal Timothy Dolan.
There has been no apology from Fr.Jonathan Morris since he is following the policy set by the Archbishop of New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan.Fr.Jonathan Morris suggested that there are non Catholics in the present times who do not have to enter the Catholic Church for salvation.Michael Voris on Church Militant TV asked him to name any such case or apologize.
Archbishop Timothy Dolan affirms the Catholic Faith on social and moral issues but like the Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans and others  is  assuming that there are known exceptions to the dogma on salvation and to Vatican Council II (AG 7). According to the dogma on salvation and Vatican Council II (AG 7) we evangelize because all non Catholics and non Christians are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church. They need to be visible members of the Church with 'faith and baptism'.
The cardinals new theology and new ecumenism is based on the error of the visible to us  baptism of desire. On this error is based the New Evangelisation too. With this heresy he offers Holy Mass in English and no one protests.No one tells him that there can be no exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Cardinal Schonborn and Cardinal Timothy Dolan offer Mass and heretically deny the defined dogma on salvation, Vatican Council II (AG 7) and other magisterial documents which must be firmly believed,like Dominus Iesus 20.Their evangelisation rests on doctrinal errors.
It is not part of the Deposit of the Faith to believe that we can see the dead on earth.Vatican Council II no where claims that there are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on salvation. So there is no doctrinal basis for 'a development of doctrine' regarding the dogma on salvation  or 'a theology of religions' regarding the Protestants and others.
-Lionel Andrades

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