Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cardinal Walter Kaspar has drawn upon the Richard Cushing Confusion

Cardinal Walter Kaspar has drawn upon the Richard Cushing Confusion and traditionalists have accepted it hook,line and sinker.The liberal cardinal says Vatican Council II is ambigous. Yes it is, but  only, if one reads it with the Richard Cushing Confusion. This results in  dual meanings. He interprets the  Council with the Richard Cushing Error, which is,the dead who are saved are personally known and visible to us.

One has to be aware of this basic error of Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston.He helped insert sentences in  Vatican Council II which are irrelevant deadwood and can cause confusion.

The dead wood are statements or references, which are an irrelevancy to the main point  being made in a Council text.

For example Ad Gentes 7 says 'all'  need 'faith and  baptism' for salvation. This is the main point. The dead wood is ' those men cannot be saved, who though aware that God, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something necessary, still do not wish to enter into it, or to persevere in it". This is meaningful at the dejure, in principle level. At the defacto ( in reality) level it is meaningless. It is relevant theoretically. Practically, personally, we do not know any such case.So it is irrelevant.

Similarly we do not know any one saved  'inculpably ignorant of the Gospel'(AG 7) In reality we do not know any such case. So it does not contradict  the main point. In reality every one needs faith and baptism for salvation.

Cardinal Kaspar interprets Vatican Councl II as having a dual meaning.In other words the dead-saved are physically visible (Richard Cushing Error) and so Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 contradict itself.(Richard Cushing Confusion).Vatican Council II becomes confusing and ambigous.

So when a Catholic asks 'Why must the Gospel be annonced in the  whole world if salvation is also possible outside the Church?', this is  a question based on the Richard Cushing Error.The questioner assumes that there are known exceptions. These irrational cases, of the dead being saved and visible, are  'exceptions'  for the Gospel to be proclaimed to every one with no exception in the present times'

Cardinal Daneels, Cardinal Kurt Koch, Fr.Hans Kung, the late Fr.Karl Rahner S.J and others have interpreted the Council ambigously with the Richard Cushing Confusion.

The  Gospel must be announced in the the whole world since if  salvation is also possible outside the Church we do not know of any case in reality.
-Lionel Andrades

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