Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Even Pope Benedict XVI made the Richard Cushing Error

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church   important qualifications are not there.For example, all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church.Yes in principle but no in reality. In reality, in the present times, all who are saved are saved with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.This is the requirement for all adults (AG 7).There is no such clarification in the Catechism.
After reading (CCC 846 Outside the Church No Salvation) Catholics believe that the church no more teaches that everyone needs to be a visible member of the Church, extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Since they assume that there are visible exceptions which the Catechism acknowledges.There are personally known cases, for them, who are saved in invincible ignorance etc and so there are visible exceptions to the dogma on salvation.
So for the misled there are two means of salvation in the present times, those who are saved in invincible ignorance etc and those who are saved by being visible members of the Church with 'faith and baptism'.Yes in principle there are two ways of salvation. In reality only one- the need to be a visible member of the Church.
So the wrong conclusion is that every one in the present times does not have to enter the Church for salvation.Only those who know, when compared with those in inculpable ignorance,need to enter the Church. This wrong conclusion is based on the  Richard Cushing Error.It is to assume that those saved in invincible ignorance etc are physically visible to us; they are personally known to us in the present times.So they become 'exceptions'.
There are no exceptions! There are only possibilities. We accept this in faith.
So all who are saved in the present times (2013) are saved only with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water, every one needs 'faith and baptism' in 2013 to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.We do not know the name of a person saved in invincible ignorance or implicit desire for these cases to be exceptions.

Vatican Council II (AG 7), the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 which includes text from AG 7, and the dogma on salvation still teach that all need to be visible members of the Church for salvation.This was also the message in the first part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which mentioned 'the dogma', the 'infalllible teaching'. The text of 'the dogma' does not mention any exceptions.
With CCC 846 saying all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church and also citing AG 7 which says all need to enter the Church 'as through a door', we have ambiguity.The Richard Cushing Confusion.CCC 846 does not clarify that only hypothetically for us can a person be saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.So if readers are not careful here they could think that the Catechism contradicts itself. It would be saying all need faith and baptism for salvation except for some who do not need it.
The statement all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church when placed along with AG 7 all need to enter the Church 'as through a doo'r is deadwood.It is a Deadwood Statement which results in confusion.Similarly CCC 1257 also carries deadwood.It states the Church 'knows of no means to eternal beatitude other than the baptism of water'. Then comes the deadwood- 'God is not limited to the Sacraments'.True hypothetically but not relevant to all in 2013 needing to convert into the Church to avoid Hell.
'God is not limited to the Sacraments' is accepted in faith.If there is such a case we would not know about it.It is not an exception to the 'the church knows of no means to eternal beatitude other than the baptism of water'.It is irrelevant.This is the Richard Cushing Confusion caused by the Richard Cushing Error.The Richard Cushing Error here is assuming that God is not limited to the sacraments refer to visible- to- us cases .
Similarly in Light of the World-Conversations with Peter Seewald (Ignatius Press) Pope Benedict XVI says there are not two ways of salvation but only one.Now begins the Richard Cushing Confusion.
All who are saved he writes are saved through Jesus and the Church (CCC 846).Yes in principle. No  in reality. In reality, in the present time there is only one way of salvation. It is to become a visible member of the Church with visible Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.In Light of the World Pope Benedict leaves out the necessity of the Church as being the only exclusive  one way of salvation, which is visible faith and baptism.The need to be a visible member of the Church for salvation. We cannot give someone the baptism of desire or perfect contrition. We can administer the baptism of water and check if a person has learnt the basic catechism and knows the faith.

Deadwood statements are placed along with traditional Catholic teaching and dogmatic statements.The dead wood statements mix up what is accepted in in faith, in principle as being known in reality, defacto.

Th misuse of deadwood statements to create the Richard Cushing Error results in new Flotsam and Jetsam theologies.This was begun and maintained by the Archbishop of Boston in the 1940's. Other liberals are also using the Cushing Prerogative today to maintain the error.

Pope Benedict at Regensberg was critical of Islam and the Muslim prophet.This would be in keeping with Ad Gentes 7 which indicates all Muslims need faith and baptism for salvation.Lumen Gentium 14 also says those who know and do not enter the Church are on the way to Hell.The Koran indicates that Mohammad knew about Jesus and the Church but did not convert.

However after the tension following the popes comment, Pope Benedict quoted Nostra Aetate as if, it was an exception to what he had said at Regensberg.Nostra Atate does not state that Muslims are saved in general or that we know of a case of a Muslim saved in the present time or that Muslims do not have to convert. Also we do not know a single 'good and holy ' Muslim saved in the present time.The Nostra Aetate reference by the pope contributed to the Richard Cushing Confusion among Catholics and non Catholics.
There are other instances also when Pope Benedict maintained the Richard Cushing Confusion.
The Italian Bishops Conference President and a front page report by Cardinal Walter Kaspar in the L'Osservatore Romano said  Jews do not have to convert in the present times. The pope had the same message in Light of the World. This was all confusion in the name of Vatican Council II.For Pope Benedict inter religious dialogue was based on Vatican Council II.Lumen Gentium 16 would be interpreted with the Richard Cushing Error. So LG 16 would be an irrational exception to Ad Gentes 7, which indicates Jews need to convert for salvation.
Pope Benedict demanded that the Society of St.Pius X, for canonical status accept a Vatican Council II, with the Richard Cushing Confusion and the resulting  Flotsam and Jetsam theologies.
He accepted the USSCB Doctrinal Committee's statement on Fr.Peter C.Phan with the Richard Cushing Error and Confusion. This error was personally being enforced  in Rome's seminaries.So traditionalist seminarians in agreement with Vatican Council II, without the Richard Cushing Error, would have to give up a religious vocation.
-Lionel Andrades




1 comment:

  1. Lionel, You write, "Even" Pope Benedict... It should be, rather, "Especially" Pope Benedict, because, as Crdl. Ratzinger, he was given the great grace to have been personally briefed by, and appraised of, the heretical beliefs and actions of the Boston Churchmen by Br. Francis, M.I.C.M. in 1985. Ratzinger promised Brother an answer from the CDF which never happened. The "Cushing Error" is just a way for these cowardly men to "go along to get along" with a world that wants nothing to do with the hard Truths of the One, True, Faith. One needs to deliberately twist the words of Jesus and of the Popes in order to hide behind the "Cushing Error".
