Saturday, June 8, 2013

Forty Eight hours and it is still difficult for Boniface at Unam Sanctam Catholicam

Forty Eight hours and it is difficult for Boniface at Unam Sanctam Catholicam to discover that Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church are saying that every one needs faith and baptism for salvation ( to go to Heaven and avoid Hell) and that every one needs to enter the Catholic Church as through a door.
Some 48 hours have passed and Boniface  cannot say that he does not know any exception to this teaching of Vatican Council II and the Catechism and neither do these Magisterial documents mention any exception.
So simple and Boniface cannot respond with a comment on his blog and has blocked all further discussion.
This is the confusion being experienced by numerous traditionalists  and Catholics on this  issue but there are many Catholics who are beginning to think. They know something is wrong and something else sounds correct which they cannot put their finger upon.
I suspect Cardinal Kaspar and the Vatican Curia also know this and  so the L'Osservatore Romano interview was trying to project Vatican Council II according to the politically correct model.
It was simple all along. Only no theologian has mentioned it.
So simple- affirm the Catechism.
The Catechism  is based on Vatican Council II.
The Catechism says every one needs to enter the Church for salvation (846,845). This message have been placed under the title Outside the Church No Salvation. Could it be more obvious ?
The Catechism (846) does not mention any visible or known exception to all needing to defacto enter the Church for salvation.Neither does Boniface know of any exception. The Catechism 846 is in Agreement with the thrice defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and so is Vatican Council II (AG 7).They also do not contradict the Syllabus of Errors on the issue of other religions and Protestant communities and churches.
Since it is possible for a non Catholic to be saved with the baptism of desire , invincible ignorance a good conscience etc and these cases would be implicit for us and explicit only for God, these cases do not contradict the Catechism 846 etc.If we assumed that these cases were visible then this would be an irrational premise(false premise) and then there would be a contradiction of CCC 846. Then the Catechism and the Council would be ambigous as Cardinal Kaspar alleges.
Now there is no violation of the Principle of Non Contradiction with possibilities known only to God. They are  irrelevant to the dogma on salvation, Ad Gentes 7 and CCC 846.A possibility cannot be seen.
 The dogma, Vatican Council II and the Catechism 846 refer to defacto explicitly known cases who need to convert into the Church with visible to us baptism of water and Catholic Faith. While the possibilities  are accepted as only possibilities. We cannot name any such case. So it is irrelevant to the traditional teaching on other  religions and Christian communities..
This should be good news for the SSPX and bad news for Cardinal Kaspar.
...but how long more before Boniface figures it out?!
-Lionel Andrades
 June 8, 2013

Boniface at Unam Sanctam Catholicam still undercover

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