Saturday, June 8, 2013

Protestant salvation and moral theology is being used in the Catholic Church

Monsignor Roderick Strange at the Pontifical Beda College, Rome
It's 'convenient' and less demanding then that of the Catholic Church and its use is widespread often un-noticed.Even orthodox Catholic blogs and Internet forums use it.For instance on the forums True Catholic (Australia) (1) and Extra  Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (USA) (2) the moral theology is Protestant.
 It is assumed that we cannot judge a person by his outer actions.Protestants with their many different doctrines and sects say we cannot judge- but so did the Catholic moral theologians  Fr.Charles Curran and Fr. Bernard Haring.
So a Catholic sponsor of the Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (EENS) forum, Dr.Brian Kopp could deny the salvation dogma on the forums (EENS/Pascendi) even after being informed, and the others on the forum would not consider it a mortal sin.
Similarly on True Catholic, a Catholic can deny the Church's teachings on salvation etc and the Administrator would not consider it a mortal sin.Case in point Fr.John George of the Archdiocese of Sydney.
In the past one could say that a person is in mortal sin but now you cannot? So something new has been added to moral teaching?Why was homosexuality and denying an ex cathedra dogma a mortal sin in the past and but not now?
Yes we can judge!- when a woman or man is dressed immodestly it is a mortal sin. The outer action indicates the inner intention (Veritatis Splendor). When a Catholic woman wears a bikini at the beach it is a mortal sin. Since she is the cause of scandal and lust in the onlooker.Others are going to Hell because of her.
It's an objective sin. If she is mentally unsound or if there is some other reason why God would not consider it a sin, it would be judged and known only by God. The exception would be known only to God.In general the sin is objective and the Church has called it a sin giving a rational reason.The Catechism says lust and scandal are grave sins.
When a priest in the Archdiocese of Sydney calls homosexuality ' a gift' it  is a mortal sin. When  a Catholic wears tight and vulgar clothing it is a mortal sin... sin means going to the abode of the demons and living in Hell.
Fr.Peter Maher in the parish of Newton in the Archdiocese of Sydney is implying on his website that the homosexual act, relationship and changeable orientation is not to be Confessed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. So the homosxual wil not go for Confession after indulging in unnatural  acts. He will consider the sin a natural gift. He will not seek help to deal with impure thoughts and spirits.
In Rome at the Beda Pontifical College,Rome (3),  the English Catholic seminary here, the present Rector Mons. Roderick Strange has written a book in which he is  soft on homosexuality.In one chapter, the style and content is vulgar.This book is available at the Beda library for the seminarians. Is not homosexuality a mortal sin for the English Monsignor? Understandably he will not allow me to enter the premises of the Beda Catholic Seminary.I would photograph the book and post extracts here.
The Beda seminarians study at the St.Thomas Acquinas University (Angelicum), Rome where they can read a thick book written by Fr.Charles Curran. It is placed in the reference section of the Angelicum library, it lists moral cases.Curran's  conclusion is that we cannot judge a mortal sin.
Mons. Roderick Strange had a book written by Fr. Matthew Fox, ex Dominican placed in the Spirituality Section of the Beda college library. Matthew Fox says there is no Original Sin.Fox and Curran were corrected by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Fath.
The we cannot judge moral theology is based on the  Fundamental Option Theory which the Catholic Churh has condmened in Veritatis Splendor, Pope John Paul II's encylcial on moral thology.Pope John Paul believed mortal sin existed  and led to Hell. The  Fundamental  Option Theory says we cannot judge anyone negatively and there is no objective mortal sin anymore.Mortal sin is no more a mortal sin. Veritatis Splendor says the opposite.
Yes we can judge!- that  a non Catholic with Original Sin is going to Hell.
Yes we can judge!- that what the Church has traditoinally taught is a mortal sin, is still today, a mortal sin and the way to go to Hell or to avoid Hell, has not changed.
For Dr. Brian Kopp who mysteriously has entered the Catholic traditionalists camp, it is 'we cannot judge'. He's with Curran and Haring.
Similalry on the Internet forum  of apologist  Steve Ray , it is assumed you can write off a defined dogma,extra ecclesiam nulla salus and still be a Catholic. For Steve Ray, for salvation one is only required to believe in Jesus. It is not necessary to be visible member of the Church with faith and baptism (AG 7).He like other convert apologists is using the Protestant salvation theology, in the Catholic Church.
They have judged they can do all of this...but you cannot judge!
-Lionel Andrades

Photo of Mons.Roderick Strange, Rector, Beda Pontifical College, Rome. BBC News

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