Monday, June 24, 2013

SSPX should demand that Pontifical universities and seminaries accept Vatican Council II without the Richard Cushing Error for canonical status or recognition

Father Robert Christian O.P the American who teaches Ecclesiology at the Pontifical University of St.Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome interprets Vatican Council II with the Richard Cushing Error.
There are two ways in which the Council can be interpreted, with or without the Richard Cushing Error.The professors at the Angelicum University choose the one with the irratiional premise of being able to see the dead. This was also the error of the former Rector of the Angelicum university who participated in doctrinal talks with the SSPX.
Why is Prof. Christian  granted canonical status ? Why is the university granted recognition when they will not affirm the Council according to Tradition, and the values of the SSPX on other religions and ecumenism, because of an irrationality? An irrationality known in public.
Why should the SSPX accept Vatican Council II with this irrationality ?
The SSPX should clarify this issue with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for Catholic Education.-Lionel Andrades

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